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Friday, December 30, 2011

Payday Instantly

While other services impose limits of $1,000, Payday Instantly goes a little further and lets you take out loans up to $1,500. They also deal with a broad range of lenders that each have a different set of expectations. Instead of forcing you into the arms of a lender that may not have your best interest in mind, they shop around to ensure that you get the best deal for your payday loans.

Plus, since they deal with a lot of lenders, the timeframe in which you have to pay back your loan is different too. You can have anywhere from 14 to 120 days to payback your loan if you go with this service
Website Security


You will find links to a lengthy privacy policy and terms and conditions section on the homepage for FaxFreeCash. We recommend that you read both of these sections prior to choosing FaxFreeCash as your payday loan provider. It’s good to know what a company is going to do with your information and the terms and conditions that come with using their service.

A service called Thawte does the encryption work for the website for FaxFreeCash. They’re responsible for encrypting the data that comes from and goes to this service’s website. When sensitive information is being tossed around, having a quality encryption service is crucial to your business.
Ease of Use


When you go to the website for Payday Instantly, you will see that they advertise that you will receive your payday loan in three easy steps. First, you have to fill out an application, which is split into three different sections: “Tell us about yourself,” “Tell us about your current employment” and “Where do you want us to wire your cash?” Next, you wait until you receive approval. Once you have received approval, your money will reach your account in an hour or less.
Cost of Loan


Many factors go into determining how much a loan with Payday Instantly is going to cost you and how long you’re going to have to pay it back. You will end up paying $5 to $25 for every $100 you borrow. Their annual percentage rate stands at 651.79%. As for how long you will have to pay off your loan, that all depends on your lender. Payday Instantly deals with a large amount of lenders that have different timeframes for repaying your loan. The timeframe can be as few as 14 days and as many as 120 days. When you’re taking out a loan with this service, you need to be prepared to pay it off during whatever timeframe they might give you.
Customer Service


Customers who want help right away can contact the manufacturer through the live chat support system they have on their website. If they’re willing to wait a little while, they can also contact the manufacturer over the phone or through email or fax. Payday Instantly would like you to consult their frequently asked questions (FAQs) section before you use any of these methods though. We found that the customer service options FaxFreeCash had to offer were stellar in the area of contact methods. If they were to add more documentation to supplement their FAQs section, their competitors would have a hard time beating their customer service.

In the tricky world of payday loans, it’s good to know when you have someone that’s on your side. Payday Instantly is a payday loan service that will work with you to make the process of getting and paying back a loan easier. You don’t have to worry about either process if you put your loan in the hands of this service. They’re going to take care of you and you will be able to worry about the more important things.


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